Friday 8 February 2013

Assignment 3:Task 2:Planning Your Palnning

Excising film Openings:
*My Murder
*Top boy

Target Audience:
Our film will be targeted at 15-25 year old with a 90:10 male: female ratio.Also we chose DC2C1 demographic.The reason we have chosen this is that they would understand and have the knowledge of the programme and some might even understand what the main character is going through.This will also attract and engage the audience to the programme.

Audience Questionnaire:
How old are you?
Are you male or female?
Have you watched The Trap before?
Have you watched My Murder before?
What issue do you think are relevant to teenagers ?
Who can resolve this?
What films/programmes do you enjoy watching?

Assignment 3:Task 1

Our task is to create a 2 minute opening of a film.Our film is an Urban drama similar to Kidulthood/Adulthood.I will be working with Mansour Mansour ,Ahmed Ismail and Hussien Abdi. I hope to achieve full marks for this assignment and we need to work hard for each other and never give up to achieve it.

Wednesday 9 January 2013


The Bourne Identity:
This film genre is Action-Adventure because there a lot of action sequences with gun shootings and explosion it’s also an adventure movie because the movie is filmed in different countries like America and Switzerland and France.
The key convention of a film poster are they have a title which is clear to see, they have the main character picture and name on there, they also have a review quote they says "An Adrenaline Rush" and also there is a colour scheme which is blue and yellow which are unusual colours for action film poster.                   
The key conventions of a film trailer are that there is a voice over and music, they also show the main scenes from the film and also have fast pace editing.                                                                                                                                                                                 
The target audience for this film are 15-35 male demographic, social class who enjoy a bit of action.
The film promotion was successful because the film trailer was very interesting because it show us the main scenes and the most of the action sequences which the audience would enjoy.

Iron Man 2
The genre of this film is one of an action adventure.
The general key conventions of an action adventure film are shown in this trailer. The trailer consists of explosions, gun fire and fighting. These have been used to express the main themes and ideas involved in this film. The fast paced editing and energetic music also further emphasises the action involved in this film through start to end. The representation of places in this film trailer are that it is set somewhere is a highly technologically evolved area in America, this may have been used to show and exaggerate how much things have changed since the past times.—
 The key conventions of this film poster include having the names of the actors as well as pictures of them. The actors don't make direct eye contact with the reader, but the 'iron-men' do. This may have been done to show the more important characters in the film. As well as this, the famous actor names are shown - this may be done to attract the audience for the "star quality" element and the unique storyline. The production blurb is also shown; this could mean that even though the film is a major blockbuster, it is not that well known. Finally, a different "mechanical/techno" font has been used. This has been used as the film revolves around the expansion of technology and how it used in the modern day life of a billionaire.
The film poster’s key conventions that it has a clear obvious title at the top third of the poster, also it has the main characters on the image of the poster. ‘A Film by Adam Deacon’ this is put there because Adam Deacon is popular in starring in the film genre of urban British comedy like ‘Kidulthood’ and ‘shank’ The poster has the two main characters which are ‘Kenneth’ and ‘Tyrone’ bigger at the front of the poster and the less important people in the background. The production blurb is also put at the bottom of the poster which is a main key convention of a film poster.
Anuvahood is an urban British comedy. It tells the story of Kenneth, a failing wannabe MC who turns to dealing weed after quitting his job, and is pressured in to supporting his family when the bailiffs turn up to remove their possessions. He is followed around by his ‘crew’ of four friends who are over-shadowed by the resident bully Tyrone.So... Is it really that simple, or is Anuvahood "just-anuva" film that encourages and enforces negative stereotypes segregating the black population and teaching our youth that these stereotypes are not what we should live by? In the film trailer it has many key conventions like release date also it has the tagline at the start of the film trailer. The production blurb is put at the end of the trialer and at the bottom of the film poster.chnology and how it used in the modern day life of a billionaire.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Original Film Idea Pitch [Task 3]

"She's Mine" is a comedy which stars 2 teenage friends and a suspicious,sly and attractive female.Its a stereotypical comedy budget film which contains humorous scenes which intend to make the audience laugh.The target audience are young adults who are students in high school  and just enter the college(15-19).The main characters a 2 friends which go to high school and meet a new girl from school.They both fancy and but they don't tell each other.The girl gets asked out by the boys and accepts them.The boys one day meet up to catch up and tell each other they have girlfriends but don't tell each other its the same girl.Later on the boys figure out that they are being played and decide to compete with each other to have her love.In the end the female character rejects all of them and the boys later on find a girls who loved them as they are.This film is similar to the film  which recently hit SKY MOVIES is "This Means War".

Friday 14 December 2012

Original Film Idea Brainstorm [Task 2]

Brainstorm possible film ideas for your original film idea. Plan the following:


*Teen drama
*Action thriller


*She's Mine 
*3's the Crowd
*What is love?
*She's in my league!
*The Hunt Is ON!


The story line is about 2 teenage friends who come across a beautiful young lady and so she leads all of them on.So the 2 friends are in love already and the beautiful lady keeps leading them on and none of them know who they all going out with.They just know they all have girlfriends.In the end the boys find out the truth and comepete with each other to get her.Later on the girl rejects all of them and the all find girls who love them for who they are.
*2 Teenagers 14-15
* Attractive Girl 15

Friday 23 November 2012

Assignment 1: Front Cover

My magazine cover:

For my first assignment in media we were given a task which involved creating a magazine cover which would be given away with the I newspaper and had to be targeted for young people. Above is a copy of my final piece - "NEXT-GEN"