Tuesday 18 December 2012

Original Film Idea Pitch [Task 3]

"She's Mine" is a comedy which stars 2 teenage friends and a suspicious,sly and attractive female.Its a stereotypical comedy budget film which contains humorous scenes which intend to make the audience laugh.The target audience are young adults who are students in high school  and just enter the college(15-19).The main characters a 2 friends which go to high school and meet a new girl from school.They both fancy and but they don't tell each other.The girl gets asked out by the boys and accepts them.The boys one day meet up to catch up and tell each other they have girlfriends but don't tell each other its the same girl.Later on the boys figure out that they are being played and decide to compete with each other to have her love.In the end the female character rejects all of them and the boys later on find a girls who loved them as they are.This film is similar to the film  which recently hit SKY MOVIES is "This Means War".

Friday 14 December 2012

Original Film Idea Brainstorm [Task 2]

Brainstorm possible film ideas for your original film idea. Plan the following:


*Teen drama
*Action thriller


*She's Mine 
*3's the Crowd
*What is love?
*She's in my league!
*The Hunt Is ON!


The story line is about 2 teenage friends who come across a beautiful young lady and so she leads all of them on.So the 2 friends are in love already and the beautiful lady keeps leading them on and none of them know who they all going out with.They just know they all have girlfriends.In the end the boys find out the truth and comepete with each other to get her.Later on the girl rejects all of them and the all find girls who love them for who they are.
*2 Teenagers 14-15
* Attractive Girl 15

Friday 23 November 2012

Assignment 1: Front Cover

My magazine cover:

For my first assignment in media we were given a task which involved creating a magazine cover which would be given away with the I newspaper and had to be targeted for young people. Above is a copy of my final piece - "NEXT-GEN"

Movie Trailer Analysis:

Stomp The Yard:
The genre of the movie is Romance Drama dance Film.I have come up with this because the movie has all the key convention of romance drama movie.The movie trailer contains romantic scenes involving slow paced music,kissing and sexual scenes.Above is the movie trailer....

Thursday 11 October 2012

My Magazine Analysis

This magazine focuses on Rock,pop. The artists featured on this magazine are Rihanna, Lily Allen, and Lady Gaga and so on.The target audience is teens to late 20’s mostly female.I know this because on the majority of the front covers of NME magazine it has a well known female artist which other female look up to.

This magazine focuses on Rock and Punk.The artist featured The Beatles, Micheal Jackson and Sex Pistols and so on.The target audience is mainly adults (30-40).The MOJO magazines have well known musician that not the young people would appeal to thats why i have come with this target audience.

Q Magazine-
This magazine focuses on urban and R’n’B.The artists featured on the magazine are Amy Winehouse,Alicia Keys,Lily Allen and so on.The target audience is at female teenagers.Q magazine have urban and up to date artist which the young people in this generation appeal to.

The VIBE focuses on Rap and RnB and the artist it features are Drake ,T.I, Beyonce and Jay Z and so on.The target audience are at young adults mostly male.Most rappers are young and sometimes rap about what young people think of and so thats how the front cover is.

Friday 21 September 2012

Camerea Shots

High Angle shot


Medium Shot

Close Shot

Low Angle Shot

Extreme Close Up

Long Shot

Established Shot

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Types of Camera Shots

Long Shot: long shot typically shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings. It has been suggested that long-shot ranges usually correspond to approximately what would be the distance between the front row of the audience and the stage in live theatre. It is now common to refer to a long shot as a "wide shot" because it often requires the use of a wide-angle lens. When a long shot is used to set up a location and its participants in film and video, it is called an establishing shot

Median Shot: medium shot is a camera angle shot from a medium distance. The dividing line between "long shot"and "medium shot" is fuzzy, as is the line between "medium shot" and "close-up". In some standard texts and professional references, a full-length view of a human subject is called a medium shot; in this terminology, a shot of the person from the knees up or the waist up is a close-up shot. In other texts, these partial views are called medium shots. It is mainly used for a scene when you can see what kind of expressions they are using.

Establishing Shot: establishing shot in filmmaking and television production sets up, or establishes the context for a scene by showing the relationship between its important figures and objects.It is generally a long- or extreme-long shot at the beginning of a scene indicating where, and sometimes when, the remainder of the scene takes place.

Big Sean Album Cover (LIAR)

Language:The album cover is very big and bold so it can attract the audience.The cover is red and the colour is very bright and stands out with a picture of the artist Big Sean.The album name is very unique, its says "Finally Famous" because Big Sean is a new artist and just realesed his first album.

Instituation:Big sean is signed to the record label G.O.O.D Music which is owned by Kanye West.The record label are signing new and young artist such as Big sean and have more amazing artist.

Audience:The album is targetted at young teenagers to mid 20's who are chasing thier dreams because Big sean always wanted to become a rapper and release an album and he chased his dreams and it came.

Representations:The album cover represents Big Sean in a good way because the album name is "Finallly Famous" and so Big Sean has got his dreams by working hard and finally became succesful.


The word is time and time is important in the world everyone uses it so our first picture was a clock.Then our second picture was money because time is money and then success because if you have money then you are succesful.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Music Magazine review

Music Magazine!
Our magazine was very unique because it had 2 genre in 1 magazine,Rap and RnB.What was bad about was that our target audience was not specific or realistic enough.We came up with teens to late 20's.Our front cover was of the king of hip-hop Kanye west and everyone loves and listen to Kanye west and so the audience would be encourage to buy it when they see Kanye west on the cover.

Why i Choosed Media...

Why i choosed Media...
I choosed Media beause my brother chose it and he told me great things about it and im really instrested in the media and how it works.I want to learn how to compose a short film/trailer in Media.Media is something everyone can relate to and especially me i enjoy watch football matches listening to music and reading newspapers and they are all to do with media.