Wednesday 19 September 2012

Big Sean Album Cover (LIAR)

Language:The album cover is very big and bold so it can attract the audience.The cover is red and the colour is very bright and stands out with a picture of the artist Big Sean.The album name is very unique, its says "Finally Famous" because Big Sean is a new artist and just realesed his first album.

Instituation:Big sean is signed to the record label G.O.O.D Music which is owned by Kanye West.The record label are signing new and young artist such as Big sean and have more amazing artist.

Audience:The album is targetted at young teenagers to mid 20's who are chasing thier dreams because Big sean always wanted to become a rapper and release an album and he chased his dreams and it came.

Representations:The album cover represents Big Sean in a good way because the album name is "Finallly Famous" and so Big Sean has got his dreams by working hard and finally became succesful.


  1. WWW: This is a really good first effort in terms of analysing media texts.
    EBI: As we go through the course, you will want to add more detail to each aspect. You also need to think about representation and how groups are represented. For example, you could look at ethnicity...
    LR: What representation of African Americans do you see on this cover? Positive? Stereotypical?

  2. The cover of the album is represented in a positive way.The artist on the looks very wealthy and that is a good thing because his title on the album is "finally famous" and that shows that the African american man was not succesful before but now he is.
